Source code for eagerx.core.entities

from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union, Any, Callable, Tuple
import abc
import inspect
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import psutil
from tabulate import tabulate
from termcolor import colored

from eagerx.core.log import frame_to_caller_id, LoggingOnce
import eagerx
from eagerx.core.pubsub import Publisher, Subscriber, ShutdownService
from eagerx.core.specs import ObjectSpec
from eagerx.core.constants import (
from eagerx.core.rx_message_broker import RxMessageBroker
from eagerx.utils.node_utils import initialize_nodes, wait_for_node_initialization
from eagerx.utils.utils import Msg, load, initialize_processor, get_param_with_blocking

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from eagerx.core.graph_engine import EngineGraph  # noqa: F401
    from eagerx.core.specs import (  # noqa:

# A singleton that is used to check if an argument was specified.
_unspecified = Unspecified()

class Entity(object):
    def get_specification(cls):
        entity_type = cls.__module__ + "/" + cls.__qualname__
        spec = cls.pre_make(entity_type, entity_type)
        return spec

    def make(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
        """An abstract method that makes the specification (also referred to as `spec`) of this entity.

        :param args: Arguments to the subclass' make function.
        :param kwargs: Optional Arguments to the subclass' make function.
        :return: A (mutable) spec that can be used to build and subsequently initialize the entity (e.g. node, engine, ...).

    def info(cls, method: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None) -> str:
        """A helper method to get info on a method of the specified subclass.

        :param method: The registered method we would like to receive info on. If no method is specified, it provides info on
                       the class itself.
        :return: Info on the subclass' method.
        from eagerx.core import info

        return info.get_info(cls, method)

    def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type):
        from eagerx.core.specs import EntitySpec  # noqa: F811 F401

        return EntitySpec(dict(entity_id=entity_id, entity_type=entity_type))

    def check_spec(cls, spec):

[docs]class Backend(Entity): """Baseclass for backends. Use this baseclass to implement backends that implement the communication. Users must use :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.make` to make the registered subclass' specification. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.Publisher` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.Subscriber` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.register_environment` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.delete_param` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.upload_params` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.get_param` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.spin` Subclasses must set the following static class properties: - :attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.BACKEND` - :attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.DISTRIBUTED_SUPPORT` - :attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.MULTIPROCESSING_SUPPORT` - :attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.COLAB_SUPPORT` """ INFO = { "make": [], "initialize": [], } __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__( self, ns: str, backend_type: str, entity_id: str, log_level: int, main: bool = False, sync: Optional[bool] = None, real_time_factor: Optional[float] = None, simulate_delays: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict], ): #: Namespace of the environment. Can be set with the `name` argument to :class:`~eagerx.core.env.BaseEnv`. self.ns: str = ns #: A unique entity_id with the structure <module>/<classname>. self.entity_id: str = entity_id #: The class definition of the subclass. Follows naming convention *<module>/<BackendClassName>*. #: Cannot be modified. self.backend_type: str = backend_type #: If True, the backend is the 'main` backend that corresponds to the environment process. self.main: bool = main #: Specifies the effective log level: #: {0: SILENT, 10: DEBUG, 20: INFO, 30: WARN, 40: ERROR, 50: FATAL}. #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Backend.spec`. self.log_level: int = log_level # Record once logged messages. self._logging_once = LoggingOnce() # Backend shutdown flag self._has_shutdown = False # Call subclass' initialize method self.initialize(**kwargs) if main: self.ts_init = time.time() t_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(self.ts_init / 1e9)) self.loginfo(f"Environment '{self.ns}' initialized at {t_str}") self.sync = sync self.real_time_factor = real_time_factor self.simulate_delays = simulate_delays else: # Happens *after* initialization, else param server not yet online. #: Timestamp of when the environment was initialized. secs = get_param_with_blocking(f"{ns}/ts_init_secs", self, None) nsecs = get_param_with_blocking(f"{ns}/ts_init_nsecs", self, None) self.ts_init: float = self.deserialize_time(secs, nsecs) #: Flag that specifies whether we run synchronous or asynchronous. self.sync: bool = get_param_with_blocking(f"{ns}/sync", self, None) #: A specified upper bound on the real_time factor. Wall-clock rate=real_time_factor*rate. #: If real_time_factor < 1 the simulation is slower than real time. self.real_time_factor: float = get_param_with_blocking(f"{ns}/real_time_factor", self, None) #: Flag that specifies whether input delays are simulated. #: You probably want to set this to False when running in the real-world. self.simulate_delays: bool = get_param_with_blocking(f"{ns}/real_time_factor", self, None)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, spec: "BackendSpec") -> None: """An abstract method to initialize the backend. :param spec: Specification of the node/engine. """ pass
@classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id: str, entity_type: "Entity"): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) params = spec.params params["config"] = dict( log_level=eagerx.get_log_level(), entity_id=params.pop("entity_id"), ) params["backend_type"] = params.pop("entity_type") from eagerx.core.specs import BackendSpec # noqa: F811 return BackendSpec(params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec) @staticmethod def from_cmd(ns: str, backend_id: str, log_level: int, *args, **kwargs) -> "Backend": backend_cls = load(backend_id) backend = backend_cls(ns, backend_id, backend_id, log_level, *args, **kwargs) return backend @property @abc.abstractmethod def BACKEND(self) -> str: """Backend name in string format.""" pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def DISTRIBUTED_SUPPORT(self) -> bool: """Whether nodes can be launched on external platforms (i.e. distributed communication).""" pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def MULTIPROCESSING_SUPPORT(self) -> bool: """Whether nodes can be launched as separate processes.""" pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def COLAB_SUPPORT(self) -> bool: """Whether the backend supports running on Google colab.""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Publisher(self, address: str, dtype: str) -> Publisher: """Creates a publisher. :param address: Topic name. :param dtype: Dtype of message in string format (e.g. `float32`). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Subscriber( self, address: str, dtype: str, callback, header: bool = False, callback_args: Optional[Tuple] = tuple() ) -> Subscriber: """Creates a subscriber. :param address: Topic name. :param dtype: Dtype of message in string format (e.g. `float32`). :param callback: Function to call ( fn(data)) when data is received. If callback_args is set, the function must accept the callback_args as positional args, i.e. fn(data, header, *callback_args). :param header: Set to True if the callback accepts the header as the second positional argument. :param callback_args: Additional arguments to pass to the callback. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def register_environment(self, name: str, force_start: bool, fn: Callable) -> ShutdownService: """Checks if environment already exists and shuts it down if `force_restart` is set. Then, it registers the remote shutdown procedure for the newly created environment. :param name: Environment name (i.e. namespace of the environment). :param force_start: Whether to shutdown any environment with the same name if it already exists. :param fn: Function with zero args to be called on remote shutdown. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_param(self, param: str, level: int = 1) -> None: """Deletes params from the parameter server. :param param: Parameter name. :param level: Determines what to do when the param does not exist: - 0=error: Raises a BackendException. - 1=warn: logs a warning and returns `None`. - 2=pass: passes silently and returns `None`. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def upload_params( self, ns: str, values: Dict[str, Union[Dict, List, bool, float, int, str]], verbose: bool = False ) -> None: """Upload params to the parameter server. :param ns: Namespace to load parameters into, ``str``. :param values: Key/value dictionary, where keys are parameter names and values are parameter values, ``dict``. :param verbose: Verbosity level. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_param(self, name: str, default: Any = _unspecified) -> Union[Dict, List, bool, float, int, str]: """Retrieve a parameter from the param server :param name: Parameter name. :param default: Default value to return. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def spin(self) -> None: """Blocks until node is shutdown. Yields activity to other threads.""" pass
[docs] def now(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Get the current times according to the simulated and wall clock""" wc = time.time() _passed = wc - self.ts_init sc = wc if self.real_time_factor == 0 else self.ts_init + _passed * self.real_time_factor return sc, wc
[docs] @staticmethod def serialize_time(t: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Convert a float time instance (in seconds) into secs and nsecs. Should be used when manually setting secs/nsecs slot values for serialization. """ secs = int(t) nsecs = int((t - secs) * 1e9) return secs, nsecs
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize_time(secs: int, nsecs: int) -> float: """ Convert a secs and nsecs time instance into float time in seconds . Should be used when manually setting secs/nsecs slot values for deserialization. """ return float(secs) + float(nsecs) / 1e9
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shuts down the backend""" if not self._has_shutdown: self._has_shutdown = True self.logdebug("Backend.shutdown() called.")
def logdebug_once(self, msg, identifier=None) -> None: caller_id = frame_to_caller_id(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back) if isinstance(identifier, str): caller_id += str.encode(identifier) if self._logging_once(caller_id): return self.logdebug(msg) def loginfo_once(self, msg, identifier=None) -> None: caller_id = frame_to_caller_id(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back) if isinstance(identifier, str): caller_id += str.encode(identifier) if self._logging_once(caller_id): return self.loginfo(msg) def logwarn_once(self, msg, identifier=None) -> None: caller_id = frame_to_caller_id(inspect.currentframe().f_back) if isinstance(identifier, str): caller_id += str.encode(identifier) if self._logging_once(caller_id): return self.logwarn(msg) def logerr_once(self, msg, identifier=None) -> None: caller_id = frame_to_caller_id(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back) if isinstance(identifier, str): caller_id += str.encode(identifier) if self._logging_once(caller_id): return self.logerr(msg) def logfatal_once(self, msg, identifier=None) -> None: caller_id = frame_to_caller_id(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back) if isinstance(identifier, str): caller_id += str.encode(identifier) if self._logging_once(caller_id): return self.logfatal(msg) def logdebug(self, msg) -> None: return self._log(f"[DEBUG]: {msg}", DEBUG, None) def loginfo(self, msg) -> None: return self._log(f"[INFO]: {msg}", INFO, None) def logwarn(self, msg) -> None: return self._log(f"[WARN]: {msg}", WARN, "red") def logerr(self, msg) -> None: return self._log(f"[ERROR]: {msg}", ERROR, "red") def logfatal(self, msg: str) -> None: return self._log(f"[FATAL]: {msg}", FATAL, "red") def _log(self, msg: str, level: int, color: Union[str, None]) -> None: if level >= self.log_level: print(colored(msg, color)) def get_log_fn(self, log_level: int) -> Callable: if log_level == DEBUG: return self.logdebug elif log_level == INFO: return self.loginfo elif log_level == WARN: return self.logwarn elif log_level == ERROR: return self.logerr elif log_level == FATAL: return self.logfatal else: def logsilent(msg, *args, **kwargs): pass return logsilent
class BaseNode(Entity): def __init__( self, ns: str, message_broker: RxMessageBroker, sync: bool, real_time_factor: float, simulate_delays: bool, params: Dict, ): """ The base class from which all nodes and engines inherit. """ #: Namespace of the environment. Can be set with the `name` argument to :class:`~eagerx.core.env.BaseEnv`. self.ns: str = ns #: User specified node name. Can be set in :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. str = params["config"]["name"] #: User specified node name with the namespace prepended. Cannot be modified directly. self.ns_name: str = f"{ns}/{}" #: Responsible for all I/O communication within this process. #: Nodes inside the same process share the same backend. Cannot be modified. self.message_broker: RxMessageBroker = message_broker #: Responsible for all I/O communication within this process. #: Nodes inside the same process share the same message broker. Cannot be modified. self.backend: Backend = message_broker.backend #: A unique entity_id with the structure <module>/<classname>. self.entity_id: str = params["config"]["entity_id"] #: Rate (Hz) at which the callback is called. #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. self.rate: float = params["config"]["rate"] #: Process in which this node is launched. See :class:`~eagerx.core.constants.process` for all options. #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. self.process: int = params["config"]["process"] #: Executable script that is used to launch the node (if launched in a separate process). #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. self.executable: str = params["config"]["executable"] #: Parameters for all selected inputs. self.inputs: dict = params["inputs"] #: Parameters for all selected outputs. self.outputs: dict = params["outputs"] #: Parameters for all selected states. self.states: dict = params["states"] #: Parameters for all feedthroughs corresponding to the selected outputs. self.feedthroughs: dict = params["feedthroughs"] #: Parameters for all selected targets. self.targets: dict = params["targets"] #: Flag that specifies whether we run reactive or asynchronous. #: Can be set in the engine's :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.spec`. self.sync: bool = sync #: A specified upper bound on the real_time factor. Wall-clock rate=real_time_factor*rate. #: If real_time_factor < 1 the simulation is slower than real time. #: Can be set in the engine's :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.spec`. self.real_time_factor: float = real_time_factor #: Flag that specifies whether input delays are simulated. #: You probably want to set this to False when running in the real-world. #: Can be set in the engine's :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.spec`. self.simulate_delays: bool = simulate_delays #: Specifies the color of logged messages & node color in the GUI. #: Check-out the termcolor documentation for the supported colors. #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. self.color: str = params["config"]["color"] #: Specifies the log level for this node: #: {0: SILENT, 10: DEBUG, 20: INFO, 30: WARN, 40: ERROR, 50: FATAL}. #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. self.log_level: int = params["config"]["log_level"] effective_log_level = eagerx.get_log_level() #: Specifies the log level for logging memory usage over time for this node: #: {0: SILENT, 10: DEBUG, 20: INFO, 30: WARN, 40: ERROR, 50: FATAL}. #: Note that `log_level` has precedent over the memory level set here. #: Can be set in the subclass' :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.spec`. self.log_memory: int = self.log_level >= effective_log_level and SILENT >= effective_log_level @classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) params = spec.params params["node_type"] = params.pop("entity_type") params["config"] = dict( name=None, rate=None, process=0, inputs=[], outputs=[], states=[], color="grey", log_level=WARN, log_level_memory=SILENT, executable=None, entity_id=params.pop("entity_id"), ) params.update(dict(inputs=dict(), outputs=dict(), states=dict())) from eagerx.core.specs import BaseNodeSpec return BaseNodeSpec(params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec) entity_id = spec.config.entity_id name = assert name is not None and isinstance( name, str ), f'A node with entity_id "{entity_id}" has an invalid name {name}. Please provide a unique name of type string.' # Check that all selected cnames have a corresponding implementation for component in ["inputs", "outputs", "states"]: for cname in spec.config[component]: c = getattr(spec, component) msg = ( f'"{cname}" was selected as {component[:-1]} ' f'but it is not a registered {component[:-1]} of node "{name}". Check the spec of "{entity_id}".' ) assert cname in c, msg # Check that components have a space for component in ["states"]: for cname, params in getattr(spec, component).items(): msg = ( f'"{cname}" was defined as {component[:-1]} in "{name}", but its space ({type(}) ' f'is not a valid space. Check the spec of "{entity_id}".' ) assert is not None, msg @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, spec: Union["NodeSpec", "EngineSpec", "ResetNodeSpec"]) -> None: """An abstract method that initializes the node at run-time. :param spec: Specification of the node/engine. """ pass def shutdown(self) -> None: """A method that can be overwritten to cleanly shutdown (e.g. release resources).""" pass
[docs]class Node(BaseNode): """Baseclass for nodes. Use this baseclass to implement nodes that will be added to the (agnostic) :class:`~eagerx.core.graph.Graph`. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.make` to make the node subclass' specification. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.reset` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.callback` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.shutdown` (optional) Use baseclass :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` instead, for nodes that will be added to :class:`~eagerx.core.graph_engine.EngineGraph` when specifying an engine implementation for an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. Use baseclass :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode` instead, for reset routines. """ INFO = { "make": [], "initialize": [], "reset": ["states"], "callback": ["inputs", "outputs"], } def __init__( self, ns: str, message_broker: RxMessageBroker, sync: bool, real_time_factor: float, simulate_delays: bool, params: Dict, call_init: bool = True, ): # Message counter self.num_ticks = 0 # Track memory usage & speed self.total_ticks = 0 = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) = os.getpid() self.iter_start = None self.iter_ticks = 0 self.print_iter = 200 self.history = [] self.headers = [ "pid", "node", "ticks", "rss", "diff", "t0", "vms", "diff", "t0", "iter_time", "diff", "t0", ] # Call baseclass constructor (which eventually calls .initialize()) super().__init__( ns=ns, message_broker=message_broker, sync=sync, real_time_factor=real_time_factor, simulate_delays=simulate_delays, params=params, ) if call_init: from eagerx.core.specs import NodeSpec self.initialize(NodeSpec(params)) # Determine all inputs with window > 0 (and skip) self.skipped_cbs = 0 self.windowed = dict() for cname, i in self.inputs.items(): window = i["window"] skip = i["skip"] if window > 0: self.windowed[cname] = skip # If we run async *and* no msg for input with window > 0, then send None outputs. self.empty_outputs = dict() for cname, _ in self.outputs.items(): self.empty_outputs[cname] = None for cname, _ in self.targets.items(): self.empty_outputs[cname + "/done"] = False def reset_cb(self, **kwargs): self.num_ticks = 0 self.skipped_cbs = 0 keys_to_pop = [] for cname, msg in kwargs.items(): if keys_to_pop.append(cname) else: kwargs[cname] = msg.msgs[0] [kwargs.pop(key) for key in keys_to_pop] return self.reset(**kwargs) def callback_cb(self, node_tick: int, t_n: float, **kwargs): self.iter_ticks += 1 if self.log_memory and self.iter_ticks % self.print_iter == 0: if self.iter_start: # Time steps iter_stop = time.time() if self.iter_ticks > 0: iter_time = float((iter_stop - self.iter_start) / self.iter_ticks) else: iter_time = float(iter_stop - self.iter_start) # Memory usage request mem_use = (np.array([0:2]) / 2.0**30) * 1000 # memory use in MB...I think # Print info self.total_ticks += self.iter_ticks self.iter_ticks = 0 # Log history if len(self.history) > 0: delta_mem_rss = round(mem_use[0] - self.history[-1][3], 2) delta_mem_vms = round(mem_use[1] - self.history[-1][6], 2) delta_iter_time = round(iter_time - self.history[-1][9], 5) cum_mem_rss = round(mem_use[0] - self.history[0][3], 2) cum_mem_vms = round(mem_use[1] - self.history[0][6], 2) cum_iter_time = round(iter_time - self.history[0][9], 5) self.history.append( [,, self.total_ticks, round(mem_use[0], 1), delta_mem_rss, cum_mem_rss, round(mem_use[1], 1), delta_mem_vms, cum_mem_vms, iter_time, delta_iter_time, cum_iter_time, ] ) else: self.history.append( [,, self.total_ticks, round(mem_use[0], 1), 0, 0, round(mem_use[1], 1), 0, 0, iter_time, 0, 0, ] ) self.backend.loginfo("\n" + tabulate(self.history, headers=self.headers)) self.iter_start = time.time() # Skip callback if not all inputs with window > 0 have received at least one input. if ( not self.sync or not self.num_ticks > 1 ): # Larger than 1 here, because we might have already ticked, but not yet received a skipped input. for cname, skip in self.windowed.items(): if len(kwargs[cname].msgs) == 0: if skip and self.num_ticks == 0: continue else: self.skipped_cbs += 1 self.backend.logdebug(f"[{}][{cname}]: skipped_cbs={self.skipped_cbs}") return self.empty_outputs output = self.callback(t_n, **kwargs) self.num_ticks += 1 # We skip output type checks for node = "environment": # - The callback sometimes returns None, because .reset() was called instead of a .step(). if != "environment": for cname, _ in self.outputs.items(): if cname not in output: self.backend.logwarn_once( f"The .callback(...) of `{}` did not return the registered output `{cname}`. " "Downstream nodes, depending on this output for their callback, may deadlock. " ) for cname, _ in self.targets.items(): cname_done = cname + "/done" assert cname_done in output, ( f"The .callback(...) of `{}` did not return an output dict with key" f"`{cname_done}` that communicates the reset status for the registered target." ) assert isinstance(output[cname_done], (bool, np.bool_)), ( f"The message type of target {cname_done}` ({type(output[cname_done])}), returned by the .callback(...) of " f"`{}`, should be of type `bool`." ) return output
[docs] def set_delay(self, delay: float, component: str, cname: str) -> None: """A method to vary the delay of an input or feedthrough. :param delay: A non-negative delay that can be varied at the beginning of an episode (during the reset procedure). :param component: Either "inputs" or "feedthroughs". :param cname: name of the component. """ assert delay >= 0, "Delay must be non-negative." assert cname in getattr(self, component), f"Cannot set the delay. '{cname}' is not one of the {component}." getattr(self, component)[cname]["delay"] = delay
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset(self, **states: Any) -> None: """An abstract method that resets the node to its initial state before the start of an episode. This method should be decorated with :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` to register the states. :param states: States that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` decorator by the subclass. The state messages are sent by the environment and can be used to reset the node at the start of an episode. This can be anything from an estimator's initial state to a hyper-parameter (e.g. delay, control gains). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def callback(self, t_n: float, **inputs: Msg) -> Dict[str, Any]: """An abstract method that is called at the specified node rate. This method should be decorated with: - :func:`eagerx.core.register.inputs` to register the inputs. - :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` to register the outputs. :param t_n: Time passed (seconds) since last reset. Increments with 1/:attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node.rate`. :param inputs: Inputs that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.inputs` decorator by the subclass. :return: Dictionary with outputs that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` decorator by the subclass. """ pass
@classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) with spec.config as d: d.executable = "python:=eagerx.core.executable_node" from eagerx.core.specs import NodeSpec # noqa: F811 return NodeSpec(spec.params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec) entity_id = spec.config.entity_id name = # Check that there is at least a single input & output defined. assert ( len(spec.config.inputs) > 0 or name == "environment" ), f'Node "{name}" does not have any inputs selected. Please select at least one input when making the spec, or check the spec defined for "{entity_id}".'
[docs]class ResetNode(Node): """Baseclass for nodes that perform a reset routine. Use this baseclass to implement reset nodes that will be added to the (agnostic) :class:`~eagerx.core.graph.Graph`. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.make` to make the reset node subclass' specification. .. note:: Subclasses must always have at least one target registered with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.targets` decorator. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.reset` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.callback` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.shutdown` (optional) Use baseclass :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` instead, for nodes that will be added to :class:`~eagerx.core.graph_engine.EngineGraph` when specifying an engine implementation for an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. Use baseclass :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node` instead, for regular nodes that will be added to the agnostic :class:`~eagerx.core.graph.Graph`. """ INFO = { "make": [], "initialize": [], "reset": ["states"], "callback": ["inputs", "outputs", "targets"], } def __init__(self, params: Dict, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, params=params, call_init=False, **kwargs) # Call initialize with spec from eagerx.core.specs import ResetNodeSpec self.initialize(ResetNodeSpec(params))
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset(self, **states: Any) -> None: """An abstract method that resets the node to its initial state before the start of an episode. This method should be decorated with :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` to register the states. :param states: States that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` decorator by the subclass. The state messages are sent by the environment and can be used to reset the node at the start of an episode. This can be anything from an estimator's initial state to a hyper-parameter (e.g. delay, control gains). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def callback(self, t_n: float, **inputs_and_targets: Msg) -> Dict[str, Any]: """An abstract method that is called at the specified node rate during the environment reset. This method should be decorated with: - :func:`eagerx.core.register.inputs` to register the inputs. - :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` to register the outputs. - :func:`eagerx.core.register.targets` to register the targets. .. note:: This callback is skipped until the user calls :func:`~eagerx.core.env.BaseEnv.reset`. Until then, the messages coming in via the connected *feedthroughs* are fed through as the outputs instead. For every registered output that was registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` decorator by the subclass, there must be a connected *feedthrough*. :param t_n: Time passed (seconds) since last reset. Increments with 1/:attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode.rate`. :param inputs_and_targets: Inputs and targets that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.inputs` and :func:`eagerx.core.register.targets` decorators by the subclass. :return: Dictionary with outputs that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` decorator by the subclass. In addition, the dictionary must contain message of type bool that specifies whether the requested *target* was reached. """ pass
@classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) spec._params["targets"] = dict() spec._params["feedthroughs"] = dict() with spec.config as d: d.targets = [] from eagerx.core.specs import ResetNodeSpec # noqa: F811 return ResetNodeSpec(spec.params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec) entity_id = spec.config.entity_id name = # Check that there is at least a single target & output was defined. assert ( len(spec.config.outputs) > 0 ), f'Node "{name}" does not have any outputs selected. Please select at least one output when making the spec, or check the spec defined for "{entity_id}".' assert ( len(spec.config.targets) > 0 ), f'Node "{name}" does not have any targets selected. Please select at least one target when making the spec, or check the spec defined for "{entity_id}".' # Check if all selected targets have an implementation (other components are checked in BaseNode.check_spec()) # Check that all selected cnames have a corresponding implementation for component in ["targets"]: for cname in spec.config[component]: c = getattr(spec, component) msg = ( f'"{cname}" was selected as {component[:-1]}' f'but it is not a registered {component[:-1]} of node "{name}". Check the spec of "{entity_id}".' ) assert cname in c, msg
[docs]class EngineNode(Node): """Baseclass for nodes that are only to be used in combination with a specific engine. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.make` to make the engine node subclass' specification. Use this baseclass to implement nodes that will be added to an :class:`~eagerx.core.graph_engine.EngineGraph` when specifying an engine implementation for an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. These nodes can, optionally, be synchronized with respect to the simulator clock by registering "tick" as an input. .. note:: Engine nodes *only* receive a reference to the :attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.simulator` as an argument to :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.initialize` when the engine nodes are launched within the same process as the engine. See :class:`~eagerx.core.constants.process` for more info. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.reset` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.callback` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.shutdown` (optional) Use baseclass :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Node` instead, for nodes that will be added to the (agnostic) :class:`~eagerx.core.graph.Graph`. Use baseclass :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode` instead, for reset routines. """ def __init__( self, params: Dict, *args, simulator: Any = None, message_broker: RxMessageBroker = None, **kwargs: Any, ): # Call baseclass constructor super().__init__(*args, message_broker=message_broker, params=params, call_init=False, **kwargs) # Call initialize with spec from eagerx.core.specs import NodeSpec self.initialize(spec=NodeSpec(params), simulator=simulator)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, spec: "NodeSpec", simulator: Any) -> None: """An abstract method that initializes the node at run-time. :param spec: Specification of the engine node. :param simulator: A reference to the :attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.simulator`. The simulator type depends on the engine. Only available if the node was launched inside the engine process. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset(self, **states: Any) -> None: """An abstract method that resets the node to its initial state before the start of an episode. This method should be decorated with :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` to register the states. .. warning:: Avoid defining states for engine nodes, as you risk making your :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object` non-agnostic to the environment. Instead, try to implement object states as an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState` of an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. :param states: States that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` decorator by the subclass. The state messages are sent by the environment and can be used to reset the node at the start of an episode. This can be anything from an estimator's initial state to a hyper-parameter (e.g. delay, control gains). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def callback(self, t_n: float, **inputs: Msg) -> Dict[str, Any]: """An abstract method that is called at the specified node rate. This method should be decorated with: - :func:`eagerx.core.register.inputs` to register the inputs. - :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` to register the outputs. :param t_n: Time passed (seconds) since last reset. Increments with 1/:attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.rate`. :param inputs: Inputs that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.inputs` decorator by the subclass. :return: Dictionary with outputs that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.outputs` decorator by the subclass. """ pass
@classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) from eagerx.core.specs import NodeSpec # noqa: F811 return NodeSpec(spec.params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec)
[docs]class Engine(BaseNode): """Baseclass for engines. Use this baseclass to implement an engine that interfaces the simulator. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.make` to make the engine subclass' specification. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.add_object` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.pre_reset` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.reset` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.callback` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.shutdown` (optional) """ INFO = { "make": [], "initialize": [], "add_object": ["engine_config"], "pre_reset": ["states"], "reset": ["states"], "callback": ["outputs"], } def __init__(self, sync, real_time_factor, params, target_addresses, node_names, *args, **kwargs): """ Base class constructor. :param sync: Boolean flag. Specifies whether we run reactive or asynchronous. :param real_time_factor: Sets an upper bound of real_time factor. Wall-clock rate=real_time_factor*rate. If real_time_factor < 1 the simulation is slower than real time. :param target_addresses: Addresses from which the engine should expect "done" msgs. :param simulator: Simulator object :param node_names: List of node names that are registered in the graph. :param kwargs: Arguments that are to be passed down to the node baseclass. See NodeBase for this. """ #: The simulator object. The simulator depends on the engine and should be initialized in the #: :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.initialize` method. Oftentimes, engine nodes require a reference in #: :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.callback` and/or :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode.reset` #: to this simulator object to simulate (e.g. apply an action, extract a sensor measurement). #: Engine nodes only have this reference if the node was launched inside the engine process. #: See :class:`~eagerx.core.constants.process` for more info. self.simulator: Any = dict() self.target_addresses = target_addresses self.node_names = node_names # Check real_time_factor & reactive args assert sync or ( not sync and real_time_factor > 0 ), "Cannot have a real_time_factor=0 while not reactive. Will result in synchronization issues. Set sync=True or real_time_factor > 0" # Initialized nodes self.sp_nodes = dict() self.launch_nodes = dict() self.num_resets = 0 self.is_initialized = dict() # Message counter self.dtype_tick = params["outputs"]["tick"]["dtype"] self.num_ticks = 0 # Track memory usage & speed self.total_ticks = 0 = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) = os.getpid() self.iter_start = None self.iter_ticks = 0 self.print_iter = 200 self.history = [] self.headers = [ "pid", "node", "ticks", "rss", "diff", "t0", "vms", "diff", "t0", "iter_time", "diff", "t0", ] # Call baseclass constructor (which eventually calls .initialize()) super().__init__(*args, sync=sync, real_time_factor=real_time_factor, params=params, **kwargs) # Call initialize with spec from eagerx.core.specs import EngineSpec, NodeSpec self.initialize(EngineSpec(params)) #: Parameters for all objects. self.objects: dict = params["objects"] # Add objects to simulator for name, obj in params["objects"].items(): assert name not in self.simulator, f"There already exists an object called `{name}`." self.simulator[name] = dict(name=name) self.add_object(**obj["add_object"]) # Prepare engine states for name, obj in params["objects"].items(): if "engine_states" not in obj: continue for _cname, i in obj["engine_states"].items(): if isinstance(i["processor"], dict): from eagerx.core.specs import ProcessorSpec i["processor"] = initialize_processor(ProcessorSpec(i["processor"])) if isinstance(i["space"], dict): i["space"] = eagerx.Space.from_dict(i["space"]) state_cls = load(i["state"]["state_type"]) i["state"] = state_cls( ns=self.ns, name=i["name"], simulator=self.simulator[name], backend=self.backend, params=i["state"] ) # Initialize nodes for node in params["config"]["node_names"]: if node in ["environment", "env/supervisor", "engine"]: continue ns_node = f"{self.ns}/{node}" node_params = eagerx.utils.utils.get_param_with_blocking(ns_node, self.backend) spec = NodeSpec(node_params) if not spec.config.process == eagerx.ENGINE: continue # If engine node, find out what object name if issubclass(load(node_params["node_type"]), EngineNode): name = name_split = name.split("/") assert len(name_split) == 2, f"Cannot infer object name from the engine node's name '{name}'." node_args = {"simulator": self.simulator[name_split[0]]} else: node_args = dict() initialize_nodes( spec, ENGINE, self.ns, self.message_broker, self.is_initialized, self.sp_nodes, self.launch_nodes, node_args=node_args, ) # Wait for all engine nodes to be initialized. wait_for_node_initialization(self.is_initialized, self.backend) # def register_node(self, node_params): # # If engine node, find out what object name # if issubclass(load(node_params["node_type"]), EngineNode): # name = node_params["config"]["name"] # name_split = name.split("/") # assert len(name_split) == 2, f"Cannot infer object name from the engine node's name '{name}'." # node_args = {"simulator": self.simulator[name_split[0]]} # else: # node_args = dict() # # # Initialize nodes # sp_nodes = dict() # launch_nodes = dict() # initialize_nodes( # node_params, ENGINE, self.ns, self.message_broker, self.is_initialized, sp_nodes, launch_nodes, node_args=node_args # ) # # todo: move this to end of initialization. # wait_for_node_initialization(self.is_initialized, self.backend) # self.sp_nodes.update(sp_nodes) # self.launch_nodes.update(launch_nodes) # return node_params, sp_nodes, launch_nodes def pre_reset_cb(self, **kwargs): keys_to_pop = [] for cname, msg in kwargs.items(): if keys_to_pop.append(cname) else: kwargs[cname] = msg.msgs[0] [kwargs.pop(key) for key in keys_to_pop] return self.pre_reset(**kwargs) def reset_cb(self, **kwargs): self.num_ticks = 0 keys_to_pop = [] for cname, msg in kwargs.items(): if keys_to_pop.append(cname) else: kwargs[cname] = msg.msgs[0] [kwargs.pop(key) for key in keys_to_pop] self.num_resets += 1 return self.reset(**kwargs) def callback_cb(self, node_tick: int, t_n: float, **kwargs: Optional[Msg]): self.iter_ticks += 1 if self.log_memory and self.iter_ticks % self.print_iter == 0: if self.iter_start: # Time steps iter_stop = time.time() if self.iter_ticks > 0: iter_time = float((iter_stop - self.iter_start) / self.iter_ticks) else: iter_time = float(iter_stop - self.iter_start) # Memory usage request mem_use = (np.array([0:2]) / 2.0**30) * 1000 # memory use in MB...I think # Print info self.total_ticks += self.iter_ticks self.iter_ticks = 0 # Log history if len(self.history) > 0: delta_mem_rss = round(mem_use[0] - self.history[-1][3], 2) delta_mem_vms = round(mem_use[1] - self.history[-1][6], 2) delta_iter_time = round(iter_time - self.history[-1][9], 5) cum_mem_rss = round(mem_use[0] - self.history[0][3], 2) cum_mem_vms = round(mem_use[1] - self.history[0][6], 2) cum_iter_time = round(iter_time - self.history[0][9], 5) self.history.append( [,, self.total_ticks, round(mem_use[0], 1), delta_mem_rss, cum_mem_rss, round(mem_use[1], 1), delta_mem_vms, cum_mem_vms, iter_time, delta_iter_time, cum_iter_time, ] ) else: self.history.append( [,, self.total_ticks, round(mem_use[0], 1), 0, 0, round(mem_use[1], 1), 0, 0, iter_time, 0, 0, ] ) self.backend.get_log_fn(self.log_level)("\n" + tabulate(self.history, headers=self.headers)) # backend.loginfo("\n" + tabulate(self.history, headers=self.headers)) self.iter_start = time.time() # Only apply the callback after all pipelines have been initialized # Only then, the initial state has been set. if self.num_resets >= 1 and node_tick > 0: self.callback(t_n) # Fill output msg with number of node ticks self.num_ticks += 1 return dict(tick=np.array(node_tick, dtype=self.dtype_tick)) @classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) # Add objects key from eagerx.core.specs import EngineSpec # noqa: F811 params = spec.params params["objects"] = dict() spec = EngineSpec(params) # Set default engine params with spec.config as d: = "engine" d.sync = True d.real_time_factor = 0 d.simulate_delays = True d.executable = "python:=eagerx.core.executable_engine" # Add tick as output space = eagerx.Space(shape=(), dtype="int64") spec.add_output("tick", space=space) spec.config.outputs.append("tick") return EngineSpec(spec.params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_object( self, name: str, *args: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict], **kwargs: Union[bool, int, float, str, List, Dict], ) -> None: """Adds an object to the simulator that is interfaced by the engine. :param name: The name of the :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object` that is to be added. :param args: The engine-specific parameters that are required to add the :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. :param kwargs: The engine-specific parameters that are optional to add the :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pre_reset(self, **states: Any) -> None: """ An abstract method that resets the engine to its initial state before the start of an episode. .. note:: This method is called **before** every :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` and :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState` has performed its reset, but after all reset routines, implemented with :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.ResetNode`, have reached their target. - Can be useful for performing some preliminary actions on the simulator such as pausing before resetting every :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` and :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState`. - Reset the simulator state so that this state can be used in the reset of every :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` and :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState`. :param states: States that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` decorator by the subclass. The state messages are sent by the environment and can be used to reset the engine at the start of an episode. This can be anything, such as the dynamical properties of the simulator (e.g. friction coefficients). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset(self, **states: Any) -> None: """An abstract method that resets the engine to its initial state before the start of an episode. This method should be decorated with :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` to register the states. .. note:: This method is called **after** every :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` and :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState` has finished its reset. - Can be useful for performing some final actions on the simulator such as unpausing after every :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` and :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState` have reset. :param states: States that were registered (& selected) with the :func:`eagerx.core.register.states` decorator by the subclass. The state messages are sent by the environment and can be used to reset the engine at the start of an episode. This can be anything, such as the dynamical properties of the simulator (e.g. friction coefficients). """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def callback(self, t_n: float) -> None: """ The engine callback that is performed at the specified rate. This callback is steps the simulator by 1/:attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.rate`. .. note:: The engine does not have any outputs. If you wish to broadcast other output messages based on properties of the simulator, a separate :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode` should be created. :param t_n: Time passed (seconds) since last reset. Increments with 1/:attr:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine.rate`. """ pass
[docs]class Object(Entity): """Baseclass for objects. Use this baseclass to implement objets that consist of sensors, actuators, and/or engine states. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object.make` to make the object subclass' specification. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object.make` For every supported :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Engine`, an implementation method must be added. This method must have the same signature as :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object.example_engine`: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object.pybullet` (example) - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object.ode_engine` (example) - ... """ INFO = { "make": ["sensors", "actuators", "engine_states"], }
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def make(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): """An abstract method that makes the specification (also referred to as `spec`) of this object. See :class:`~eagerx.core.specs.ObjectSpec` how sensor/actuator/engine state parameters can be set. This method should be decorated with: - :func:`eagerx.core.register.sensors` to register sensors. - :func:`eagerx.core.register.actuators` to register actuators. - :func:`eagerx.core.register.engine_states` to register engine states. :param args: Arguments to the subclass' make function. :param kwargs: Optional Arguments to the subclass' make function. :return: A (mutable) spec that can be used to build and subsequently initialize the entity (e.g. node, object, ...). """ pass
@classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) params = spec.params params["config"] = dict( name=None, sensors=[], actuators=[], states=[], entity_id=params.pop("entity_id"), ) params["sensors"] = dict() params["actuators"] = dict() params["states"] = dict() from eagerx.core.specs import ObjectSpec # noqa: F811 return ObjectSpec(params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec) entity_id = spec.config.entity_id name = # Check that all components have a space for component in ["states"]: for cname, params in getattr(spec, component).items(): msg = ( f'"{cname}" was defined as {component[:-1]} in "{name}", but its space ({type(}) ' f'is not a valid space. Check the spec of "{entity_id}".' ) assert is not None, msg
[docs] def example_engine(self, spec: "ObjectSpec", graph: "EngineGraph") -> None: """An example of an engine-specific implementation of an object's registered sensors, actuators, and/or states. See :attr:`~eagerx.core.specs.ObjectSpec.engine` how engine specific parameters can be set/get. This method must be decorated with :func:`eagerx.core.register.engine` to register the engine implementation of the object. .. note:: This is an example method for documentation purposes only. :param spec: A (mutable) specification. :param graph: A graph containing the object's registered (disconnected) sensors & actuators. Users should add nodes that inherit from :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineNode`, and connect them to the sensors & actuators. As such, the engine nodes become the *engine-specific implementation* of the agnostic sensors & actuator definition. """ raise NotImplementedError("This is a mock engine implementation for documentation purposes.")
[docs]class Processor(Entity): """Baseclass for processors. Use this baseclass to implement processor that preprocess an input/output message. This baseclass only supports one-way processing. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Processor.make` to make the subclass' specification. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Processor.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Processor.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.Processor.convert` """ INFO = { "make": [], "initialize": [], "convert": [], } __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, spec: "ProcessorSpec") -> None: """An abstract method to initialize the processor. :param spec: Specification of the processor. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def convert(self, msg: Any) -> Any: """An abstract method to preprocess messages. :param msg: Raw message. :return: Preprocessed message. """ pass
@classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id: str, entity_type: "Entity"): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) params = spec.params params["processor_type"] = params.pop("entity_type") params.pop("entity_id") from eagerx.core.specs import ProcessorSpec # noqa: F811 return ProcessorSpec(params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec)
[docs]class EngineState(Entity): """Baseclass for engine states. Use this baseclass to implement engine states for an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. Users must call :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState.make` to make the subclass' specification. Subclasses must implement the following methods: - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState.make` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState.initialize` - :func:`~eagerx.core.entities.EngineState.reset` """ INFO = { "make": [], "initialize": [], "reset": [], } def __init__( self, ns, name, simulator, backend, params, ): #: Namespace of the environment. Can be set with the `name` argument to :class:`~eagerx.core.env.BaseEnv`. self.ns = ns #: Name of the state. = name self.color = "grey" #: Responsible for all I/O communication within this process. self.backend = backend from eagerx.core.specs import EngineStateSpec self.initialize(EngineStateSpec(params), simulator) @classmethod def pre_make(cls, entity_id, entity_type): spec = super().pre_make(entity_id, entity_type) params = spec.params params["state_type"] = params.pop("entity_type") params.pop("entity_id") from eagerx.core.specs import EngineStateSpec # noqa: F811 return EngineStateSpec(params) @classmethod def check_spec(cls, spec): super().check_spec(spec) return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, spec: "EngineStateSpec", simulator: Any) -> None: """An abstract method to initialize the engine state. :param spec: The engine state specification. :param simulator: A reference to the engine's simulator. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset(self, state: Any) -> None: """An abstract method to reset the engine state of an :class:`~eagerx.core.entities.Object`. :param state: The desired state that the user can specify before calling :func:`~eagerx.core.env.BaseEnv.reset`. """ pass